Monday, June 30, 2008

Teasing Taste Buds...

It doesn't take but a big dip of your finger into a bowl of cake batter to know the end result will be a tease for the taste buds.

Bride and groom Chrissy and Andy chose a five layer cake with FOUR different flavors:


and chocolate!

Brides come in all bridezilla phases; some don't care and some care too much. Chrissy's been planning her wedding for almost a year and meeting with her was a treat. Her attitude was right in the middle. She knew just what she wanted and when to ask for expert help.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Meet Tony...

Being a professional pallet pleaser is not just sugar, spice and all things nice. Or maybe it is? First you are tortured by taste testing cake and icing, and then you get sent into the mob of wedding guests for praise and admiration.

It’s hard work, but in the end the final product is worth it. So let’s stroll through a few days in the life of a wedding cake baker…

First things first. I would like to introduce you to

(Say it like you're Italian.)Tony is my RED KitchenAid Mixer, isn't he pretty?